
Solar Rooftops

A solar rooftop is a system where photovoltaic (PV) panels are installed on the roof of residential, commercial, or industrial buildings to harness solar energy and generate electricity. These systems are an efficient and sustainable way to produce clean energy while reducing dependency on conventional power sources.

With advancements in technology and decreasing costs, solar rooftops are becoming an integral part of the transition toward sustainable and decentralized energy systems. They play a vital role in achieving global renewable energy goals.

  • Reduces electricity bills by generating power on-site.
  • Minimizes carbon footprint by using renewable energy.
  • Less reliance on conventional energy sources.
  • Minimal upkeep required for long-term operation.

On Grid Solar Rooftop

In an on grid rooftop system, solar panels generate the electricity from sunlight through photo-voltaic effect. This system allows you to send excess or unconsumed electricity to the electricity grid. This PV rooftop system is suggested to them whose electricity bills are very high. By supplying excess amount of electricity to the grid, they can reduce their electricity bill.

Off Grid Solar Rooftop

Off grid solar photo-voltaic rooftop system is also known as battery based or stand-alone solar system. In this type of rooftop system, you will get solar battery that allows you to store excess or unconsumed electricity in them. This stored power further can be used at the time when the solar panel is not generating power during night or rainy day.

Hybrid Solar Rooftop

A hybrid rooftop system is basically a mixture of on grid solar power system and on grid solar power system. In this solar photo-voltaic rooftop system, you can store additional power in the solar battery and after your solar battery got fully charged then you can supply electricity to the utility grid.

Solar Rooftops

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